Vango Uses Nventify’s Imagizer in AWS Marketplace to Build Digital Media Products Faster
By nick March 27, 2018

Imagizer is the world’s only image processing engine purpose-built for ecommerce. Allowing developers to effortlessly accelerate page load times, while delivering products at their best on any device. Beyond common image transformations such as resizing and reformatting, Imagizer offers both image recognition and tag extraction features. With a wide range of capabilities tailor-made for the specific needs of ecommerce sites, Imagizer also offers intelligent product cropping and image optimization pertaining device and load time goals. Working with a customer’s stack, Imagizer allows customers to maintain full control of their image library, with no lock-in to storage or CDN. Production ready within minutes, Imagizer can run on-premise, you private cloud or public cloud. Learn more about Nventify’s Imagizer for AWS – Using Imagizer, Vango can now build their digital media products faster to generate more revenue. Vango is an online Marketplace that helps art lovers find and purchase art online. Vango uses Imagizer for AWS to efficiently manipulate and manage images, support new interfaces in their applications, build images for their own branding and digital assets, and prototype new designs.